CF Power tools comes with different functionalities and features offered by Cloudflare Stream API.
We make them available from within WP, so that any anyone can use Cloudflare Stream service without technical expertise.
We are a client-centric company and keen to grow with our customers. If you have any feature that you would like to request, you will have the possibility to do so by getting in touch.
We conceived CF Power Tools with the average user in mind. CF Power Tools has a simple, minimalistic and intuitive interface based on what you already know: Wordpress 😉
Any feature is either automated behind the scenes (API) or a few clicks away. Your protected videos will stream from any website, even from membership protected areas.
We conceived a scalable, robust, secure and efficient plugin. Even by signing the URLs of 10'000 videos at the same time, your server or PHP won't get overloaded.
We value transparency and security of your data. We won't store any of your paying methods nor bill you again: you need to do that by yourself at the end of your billing period.
We are constantly improving CF Power Tools by adding new features. With all paid plans, you will get all the needed updates and fixes vs. cloudflare, wordpress and wpbackery as well as new features.
Access the guide, resources and blog articles to help you getting started. Also, we do offer friendly technical support by email and chat. We won't let you down!
Import videos, sign URLs & get analytics in one single plugin.
Install and configure it in 2 minutes, then play your favorite videos from within WP.