Using CF Power Tools Wordpress plugin for Cloudflare Stream to protect videos

Our CF Power Tools wordpress plugin offers signed URLs functionality that Cloudflare Stream offers allowing you to protect your videos. You can allow streaming only from certain domains, hide the video ID and prevent people to download it.

But you need to be a developer or hire one to create a very complex script to make this working for WordPress … well, until now! 😉

We developed CF Power Tools for Cloudflare Stream, a WordPress plugin that does exactly that! Just purchase it, download it, install it on WordPress as you do with any plugin and start protecting your videos!


> Here there is a video that we uploaded on Cloudflare Stream and we protected with our plugin. Use your favorite downloader (e.g. JDownloader, ANT downloader,…) and try to download it:

Having a hard time? 😉

We have a simple formula for you:
Cloudflare Stream + WordPress + our CF Power Tools plugin = Your streamed video can’t be dowloaded and remains on your website!

There are 2 wordpress plugins available on the market to integrate WP and Cloudflare stream.

The free plugin is available here. The other option is our propertary wordpress plugin for Cloudflare Stream.

The infographics below depicts the main differences between the two wordpress plugins:

Competitors Table

But let’s start from the beginning with a short introduction for those of you that are interested on reading more.

Cloudflare Stream is an affordable solution for hosting, encoding, delivering via CDN your videos, integrating them with its own video player. It actually do pretty much what youtube, vimeo, wistia are doing… but it’s free from advertisements and cost-effective. Just create an account and explore its potential.

CF Stream offers a very nice alternative to Youtube for a very low monthly costs and performs equally as well as Youtube… but without advertisements ;).

WordPress is the most popular website builder, used for nearly 1/3 of worldwide websites.

Our CF Power Tools Wordpress plugin will allow you to protect your CF Stream videos. You don’t need any technical expertise, it’s really easy to use. Continue reading to find all of its advantages!

There is another Wordpress plugin that does partially what we do. This plugin is excellent if you only aim to manage your Cloudflare Stream videos from within WP and embedding them on your WP pages.

Unfortunately it doesn’t do all of the functions that Cloudflare Stream offers. So we developed a plugin that protects your streamed videos keeping them private and preventing anyone from downloading them – and much more. If you want to know more details of how this is done, we explained that here.

Here are our CF Power Tools Video Protection WP plugin advantages:

  • manage your Cloudflare Stream videos directly from within WordPress
  • allow streaming only from certain domains
  • prevent streamed videos download
  • control all player parameters directly from WordPress (loop, autoplay, mute,…)
  • set time-limited token validity and its duration
  • protect and unprotect videos in 1-click
  • assign a single shortcode to each video
  • use it with WordPress Classic Editor, Elementor, Gutenberg & WPBakery
  • get all analytics and export in CSV

How it works

After you purchase it, you can download it instantaneously and configure it with a few clicks filling in the setting details according to your requirements.


Of course, to be able to use this plugin you need to have a Cloudflare Stream account. You can upload the videos here, and Cloudflare will process them and assign a unique ID.

In WordPress, you can then integrate the videos thanks to this ID, that will remain secret. Following the instructions mentioned in the step-by-step guide provided with the purchase you will be able to transform that ID into a block or shortcode and embed your protected videos wherever you want in your Wordpress pages.

Your video will be protected with Cloudflare signed URL (tokenization): only certain domains can stream the video (the ones you add to the allow list) and it will be nearly impossible to download it from your website.

Using our CF Power Tools Wordpress plugin for Cloudflare Stream to protect videos

There are 2 options to integrate your video in your WordPress pages:

  • Using the dedicated “CF Media block” (available only if you have WPBakery installed)
  • Using the shortcode, if you have Classic Editor or Gutenberg.

Hard to believe it, right?

Well, it’s reality now 😉

Download CF Video Protection WP Plugin, Read our FAQ or feel free to get in touch with us for any comments, doubts or questions you may have.