#1 best way to upload video stream to your site using Cf Power Tools

cfpt how to upload video streaming into your wordpress webiste

Would you like to create a streaming video website or upload video stream within your WordPress website but you don’t know how to do it? Today we’ll show you how to use two powerful tools to achieve this goal: Cloudflare Stream AND CF Power Tools. Let’s start by saying that creating a website for streaming […]

The incredible world of WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins are very important for the WordPress community. There are a lot of plugins available in the market and picking the right one is very tricky. The reason for their popularity? they usefulness. Plugins add the extra functionality that can make all the difference when it comes to creating a great website. In addition […]

How to make the most of your video marketing strategy 2022

video marketing strategy 2022 cfpt

Videos are one of the most popular and effective ways to market your business in 2022. Whether you have a small business or are a large corporation, there are several ways to make the most of your video marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll give you some practical tips to help you create an efficient […]

Cloudflare Stream VS Wistia 2022

Cloudflare Stream vs Wistia 2022

Let’s start by saying that comparing Cloudflare Stream and Wistia is a questionable choice because even though they seem like two similar platforms at first glance, they are actually fundamentally different, and here’s why. Cloudflare stream is more of a Whitelabel video infrastructure product, created for developers who want to quickly and efficiently deliver their […]

Cloudflare live streaming or Video on demand?

live streaming video vs video on demand by cloudflare powertools

Cloudflare is a CDN (content delivery network) provider. But with its new service, it can also provide (live) streaming videos and through its platform Cloudflare Stream. However, there is a distinct difference between these two. We will look at how these two are different and how you can use live streaming to get instant results […]

WordPress video hosting plugin the new list updated 2022

Wordpress video hosting plugin cloudflare power tools

Today we’re going to take a closer look at the best WordPress video hosting plugins for 2022. We’ll go over all the pros and cons of these plugins and how they can help you boost your website’s performance. If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you too are looking for the best way to […]

The #1 WordPress video download protection

Wordpress video download protection security

WordPress is one of the best content management systems out there. It’s not only powerful, but also the backbone of many of the Internet’s top websites. But sometimes, it needs a little help, for instance in terms of Wordpress video download protection. WordPress plugins are an integral part of the WordPress system, adding new features […]

Video courses – How and why protect them?

video courses protection

If you are looking to launch your online video courses or a new e-learning platform, you already know that, in order to have a long term path, besides offering a good teaching method you need to protect your content to stay alive in the wild world of internet. To help you in this hard work, […]

The final battle:  Cloudflare Stream VS YouTube who’s gonna win?

cloudflare stream vs youtube

Video is always been a powerful medium for years but in the last period, even more. Always more people and companies use videos to engage audiences and sponsor products. In fact, one report from streaming media shows that by 2022 video viewing will account for 82% of all internet traffic accounting for more than 1% […]

Embed video into your website with WordPress?

embed video plugins for WP

Embed video into your website is an excellent way for engaging your audience, helping to promote your brand, and educate your users. However, embedding videos can be difficult. You may not know where to start from, be afraid to make mistakes about the process of embedding video within your website, or even be afraid to […]

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